Prislop o.d.v., un’associazione che forma persone, aiutandole a diventare volontari “claun”. Nata nel 2006 in Romania, Prislop significa “passaggio felice”. E’ composta da circa 70 volontari che prestano 120 servizi all’anno. Ha sede a Ospedaletto Euganeo e agisce principalmente nella Bassa Padovana, in un raggio di circa 50 chilometri (Noventa Vicentina, Badia Polesine, Legnago, Conselve).
Con altre associazioni, ha promosso e realizzato la “Culla per la Vita”, presso gli Ospedali Riuniti Madre Teresa di Calcutta di Schiavonia (Padova). Prislop o.d.v. partecipa alla Dogi’s Half Marathon, promuovendo una raccolta fondi per la Fondazione Città della Speranza, attraverso “Il filo della speranza” e la presentazione in anteprima del libro a fumetti “Le avventure di Sloppy”. Sapete chi sarà il narratore? Il folletto Trops!
Prislop O.D.V., is an association that forms people, helping to become voluntary “claun”. Born in 2006 in Romania, Prislop means “happy passage.” It is composed by around 70 volunteers that lend 120 services a year. Its head Office is in Ospedaletto Euganeo and it mainly acts in the Low Padovana, in a ray of around 50 kilometers (Noventa Vicentina, Badia Polesine, Legnago, Conselve).
Team For Children is a private, non-profit organization, founded in Padua in 2009. It collaborates with the doctors of the Pediatric Oncology clinic of Padua, founded by Professor Luigi Zanesco, providing the materials for the hospital school, supporting the department with the purchase of medical electrical equipment, financing employment contracts for medical oncologists, arguing psychologically and economically (when there are financial difficulties) families with sick children, and bringing in Italian foreign children with serious illnesses.
“Humanization radiotherapy environments” C/o the “All’Angelo” Mestre Hospital
The project “Humanization radiotherapy environments.” is the result of a collaboration between the Lilt (Italian League for the fight against tumors) of Venice, the artist Clarice Renier and the Unit of Radiation Oncology, directed by Dr. Imad Abu Rumeileh.
The goal is to beautify the walls of the Mestre hospital ward corridors, in order to make it more pleasing environment where cancer patients live a long and difficult period of treatment.
– Robert Hollman foundation in Padua.
The Foundation has its seat in Padua and offers advice and support to the development of children with visual impairment and other possible disabilities. The children are taken care by the Foundation, that supports their different personal needs, with specific treatment pathways.
The habilitation and rehabilitation interventions, for children aged 0-14, provide outpatient services and residential care. Visual stimulation, physiotherapy, speech therapy, childhood psychology, hydrotherapy and didactic work are some of the provided activities, in addition to family support services.
The Foundation self-finances itself, also thanks to the activities of the “Smile For”, thanks to which in 2014 it was possible to reopen the pool used in Padua for the activities with blind children and with children with different disabilities.
– Casa Priscilla
Casa Priscilla is a children’s home located in Padua. It welcomes children and teens of various ages, coming from families with great economic and personal disadvantages. Under the direction of Suor Miriam, the children’s home helps its guests to socialize, to insert themselves into a school context, do game and leisure activities that distance them from the street or from “difficult” families. This children’s home often represents the most solid opportunity for children and teenagers to have a guaranteed meal and a safe bed to sleep on.
– fight against ALS